TWC G6 Livestock Production

Abstract of Website :
Meat had been a luxury for many years, a sign of wealth, but what has it become today? It has become almost as common and cheap as the corn on one’s plate. In our project, we examine and analyze the changes and issues in livestock throughout the years, the past and the present, and predict future trends. The livestock industry has been especially affected by this era of genetic modification where nothing is hardly not genetically modified anymore. We take a look at the types of livestock used (Organic vs GM), types of feed used (Natural vs Modified), types of farming method (Factory Farming vs Free Range) and the ethical and social issues that arise form livestock production now.

The types and methods of boutique meat like wagyu beef and featherless chicken that people farm now are unbelievable, truly food for thought! Going back to the past, we would like to discover and share the basics of livestock production and the ingenuity of the people then. One will be very much surprised that animal husbandry is not a new concept but a fundamental one from the past.  Our project will also touch on issues close to the heart such as zoonotic viruses(E.g. SARS) and animal cruelty. Livestock production is indeed meaty!


Next Section : Past - Why did Animal Domestication take place?